SEMRA will hold a Flag Day in Dungarvan, on Friday, the 29th of August, 2008, to raise much needed funds. Semra would like to thank the local Hillwalking clubs and all the people from the Dungarvan and Co.Waterford area who have supported the team in the past. This support has enabled SEMRA to locate a landrover in the town for the past few years, providing a rapid response to incidents in the Comeragh and Knockmealdown Mountains.

Local man, Michael Power, said "as Chairman of the team and a member of Dungarvan Hillwalking Club, it is an honour for me to see so many people from the Dungarvan area involved in Mountain Rescue. I am overwhelmed with the support we get from people every year when we hold our flag day".

Funds raised this year will go towards the upkeep of the landrover and the vital rescue equipment it carries. The landrover in its winning colours (blue and white!) can be seen on the streets of the town during the flag day, and team members will be out on the streets from early morning selling flags, come rain or shine.

The new SEMRA Blog has just been launched. This is where you will find the latest news from SEMRA.


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