This evening, Monday 28th June, 2010, twenty members of the South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association responded to a call to assist in a large scale search operation in Glenmalure, Co.Wicklow. Earlier in the day, reports were received of a group of four young hillwalkers who had got into difficulty while walking in the area.
A multi-agency response, involving An Garda Siochana, The Coast Guard, The Air Corps, and The Search and Rescue Dogs Association, along with the Glen of Imaal, Dublin & Wicklow and South Eastern Mountain Rescue Teams, was successful in locating the four safe and well.
In fading light and deteriorating weather conditions, the team was stood down at 2015 hrs.

At around 2pm on Wednesday, June 23rd 2010, Gardai in Tipperary Town alerted the local mountain rescue team to an incident in the Galty Mountains in Co. Tipperary. Two hill walkers were climbing a gully behind Lough Muskry when one of them fell 10 metres and sustained a lower leg injury, his partner rang 999 and raised the alarm. A full team callout was issued to all members of the team and a mountain rescue 4x4 that was in the area at the time was very quickly on scene with rescue equipment and first aid. Two team members made their way to the accident location about 200 metres up very steep and dangerous ground to a ledge where the man had landed after his fall. As this was happening, the Irish Coast Guard S61 helicopter from Shannon had been tasked to go the the area and assist in the rescue. A mountain rescue paramedic administered first aid and when the helicopter arrived, it lowered a stretcher and one of its crew to the site. Working together they managed to get the man into the stretcher and he was air-lifted from the ledge and flown direct to Waterford Regional Hospital. The other hill walker was accompanied down to safety and driven back to his car.

SEMRA would like to thank the Coast Guard crew for their assistance today and also the Gardai in Tipperary Town along with its own volunteer members for their quick response.

SEMRA is a 999/112 24/7/365 day voluntary mountain search and rescue service covering all the south east of Ireland.


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