At approx 4pm Saturday 5th May 2012 South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association (SEMRA) received a request from Gardai in Waterford to attend an incident in The Comeragh Mountains. A group of 15 were hillwalking in the area of Knockanaffrin Ridge in the Comeraghs, when a female member of the group fell and sustained a lower leg injury. The group dialled 999 and asked for Mountain Rescue.

A full team call out ensued and SEMRA members rapidly made their way to the casualty site. SEMRA requested the assistance of Rescue 117 search and rescue helicopter from Waterford. The weather was clear with significant wind speed - ideal conditions for the use of a helicopter. The winchman and team of Rescue 117 transported the casualty to Waterford Regional Hospital for further treatment.

According to Ray Bradfield Team Leader "We enjoy an excellent, long standing relationship with members of The Coastguard and only recently attended a heli-school day with the crew of Rescue 117 for our newer mountain rescue members. This included winching our members on and off the search and rescue helicopter and  preparation of a casualty, similar to the actual incident that occurred  in The Comeraghs last weekend. We keep our training as close to real life callouts  as possible so we can ensure the most efficient and professional treatment and delivery of an injured party."


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