On Sunday last June 16th 2013 members South Eastern Mountain Rescue were on a training day in the Galty Mountains when a call came in about an injured walker in the vicinity of the Black Road Skeheenarinky, Cahir County Tipperary. This area happened to be close to where the team were training. A female walker who was taking part in a charity climb on Galty Mor sustained a fall and suffered a suspected ankle injury. Team Training was immediately halted and a party was deployed onto the hill in a 4x4. Conditions were poor, bad visibility and rain meant that by the time the team made contact with the casualty both the injured lady and her husband were very cold. Both were treated by team medics. Red Cross members were in attendance for the charity event and aided Semra in getting the woman off the hill into a waiting ambulance.

South Eastern Mountain Rescue acknowledge the assistance given by members of the Irish Red Cross.

Should any walkers need our assistance on the mountains, please call 999 or 112 and ask for Mountain Rescue. South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association is an emergency 24/ 7/ 365 , voluntary Search and Rescue team covering all the Mountains of the South East of Ireland and is funded mainly by donation and public generosity.

This year 2013 the Team also have a large fundraising project on the go. Our aim is to build a vehicle storage unit based in the South East.This however is a massive undertaking and means we require a large boost of income to facilitate our dreams.


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