Members of SEMRA joined over 120 scouts and staff on the Galtee Mountains in County Tipperary for an adventure weekend. Scouts came from all over Ireland for a weekend of camping and walking on the mountains. Jimmy Barry and Matt Ryan, along with two scout leaders, manned the first check point on Farbrega (724m), during the Saturday walk along the ridge above Lough Muskry. As each patrol checked in they were given information on Mountain Rescue in Ireland, and what happens when a mountain rescue team is called out. A short question and answer session followed. The SEMRA team was invited to take part by the organisers of the weekend, so that the scouts could find out more about mountain rescue and safety while out walking. Jimmy Barry, PRO for SEMRA, said " we are always willing to meet people (of any age), on and off the mountains, to let them know who we are and what it is we do. Last weekend was an excellent event for Scouting Ireland, and the organisers are to be congratulated for bringing so many young people to the mountains and giving them some fantastic memories to take home. For SEMRA it was a chance to meet the hill walkers and mountaineers of tomorrow, pass on the safety message and bring an awareness about all the other mountain rescue teams in Ireland. Our time is the most valuable gift we can give, and to give our time to young people and help them in their development is something the SEMRA team will always support". Sunday turned out to be a bit windy, but by 12.30pm everyone was off the mountain and heading for home, some as far away as Northern Ireland. Find out more about the weekend at .


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