Just before 1pm on Saturday 19th January 2013 South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association (SEMRA) responded to a callout from Emergency Services regarding a group of injured walkers in The Comeragh Mountains. The walkers had been attempting to climb a gully in the vicinity of Coumshingaun Lake when they got into difficulty. Following a week of wet weather and torrential rain the night before the incident took place, three of the four climbers slipped and fell from a height of c 30 -50 metres. They immediately contacted Emergency Services and South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association members rapidly made their way to the site of the incident.

An Incident Base was established in Kilcloony Woods which lies in the direction of the Lemybrien - Carrick on Suir road. The injured walkers were assessed by SEMRA paramedics and found to have upper body injuries sustained from the fall. Conditions were wet under foot and the callout occurred in heavy drizzle. The Fire Service and HSE ambulance services also attended the incident and the casualties were transported to Waterford Regional Hospital for medical assistance.

SEMRA received an emergency call later the same afternoon regarding walkers in The Galtees who also found themselves in difficulty.

Team Leader Ray Bradfield commented " In this wet winter weather it's not surprising for us to experience a surge in callouts. We appeal to walkers to exercise extreme caution when considering taking to the hills at this time of the year . Always check a reliable weather forecast particular to the area, bring plenty food and a hot drink, wear correct walking attire to include hillwalking boots and bring extra layers of clothes and waterproofs.The mountains have a unique microclimate and the weather there can change with alarming speed. Should any walkers need our assistance on the mountains, please call 999 or 112 and ask for Mountain Rescue."

South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association is an emergency 24/ 7/ 365 , voluntary Search and Rescue team covering all the Mountains of the South East of Ireland and is funded mainly by donation and public generosity.

Should you require any further information on this please contact:

Deirdre Phelan    
PRO South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association
Telephone: 086 2349318


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