At approximately 8.30pm this evening South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association responded to a callout from HSE Ambulance Control regarding an injured walker in The Comeragh Mountains. The casualty was in the area of Kilcloony Woods which lies in the direction of the Lemybrien - Carrick on suir road. 20 Mountain Rescue members attended the callout, where the injured party was attended to and prepared for evacuation. 9 members of Tramore Cliff and Mountain Rescue were also on standby. Conditions were wet under foot  and the callout occurred in heavy drizzle and fading light.  The Coastguard helicopter Rescue 117 from Waterford  attended and transported the casualty to Waterford Regional Hospital for medical assistance.

South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association is an emergency  24/ 7/ 365 ,  voluntary Search and Rescue team covering all the Mountains of the South East of Ireland and is funded mainly by donation and public generosity.


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