On Monday February 15th 2010, SEMRA received a donation of €911 from a group it assisted in the Galty Mountains last October. Following their rescue, Carrigtwohill Foroige wondered how they could thank SEMRA for their hard work in locating them on the night. The old hill-walking saying comes to mind "if at first you get lost, get back up that mountain" and that’s what they did, organising a sponsored walk up Galtymore. So the group joined four SEMRA members on a return visit to the Galtys, after which the money raised was presented to SEMRA Chairperson, Irene Codd, in the Mountain Lodge Youth Hostel in Glengarra Wood. The youth group was given a guided tour of SEMRA’s new command and control vehicle, “Sierra Victor”, which had its first operational outing on the the night in October. SEMRA would like to thank Carrigtwohill Foroige for their hard work and look forward to meeting them again.


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