A hill walker was rescued on the Galty mountains on St Patrick's Day having fallen and sustained a leg injury. At around 2.30pm, Gardai in Cahir, Co. Tipperary, received a 999/112 call from a group out walking on the mountains, saying one of their group was injured and they requested Mountain Rescue assistance. The Mountain Rescue team (who were in Clonmel preparing to take part in the St Patricks day parade) went on full team call out and sent three vehicles and seventeen team members to the area, known as "Pigeon Rock Glen", where the accident had happened. SEMRA also requested the assistance of the Coast Guard S61 helicopter from Waterford and it was tasked by the Marine Rescue Coordinating Centre in Dublin to go to the area immediately. As Mountain Rescue team members arrived at the accident site, the helicopter also arrived and in deteriorating weather conditions, the man was winched aboard and flown direct to Cork Airport where an ambulance was waiting and took him to Cork University Hospital with a suspected broken leg. The remaining 10 members of the walking group were accompanied off the mountains by SEMRA members.

SEMRA would like to thank the Gardai, MRCC Dublin, the walking group, and the crew of the IRCG S61 for their help today and we wish the injured man a speedy recovery.


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