Terry Brophy and Malcolm Daly are two members of SEMRA. Both share a passion for the outdoors and all types of adventure sports from mountain biking to climbing. Along with their love of the outdoors, they are mad. Yes, mad into 4x4 driving and all things Land Rover. Malcolm recently took time out and went on a year long expedition around the world in his Land Rover Defender. He travelled through Europe, across Asia, Australia, the USA and back home to Ireland. Terry, a Land Rover owner since his first licence, represented Ireland in the G4 Challenge three years ago, and has taken part in many adventure races over the last few years.
Now the two friends have been chosen from hundreds of entries to attend the national selection that takes place at Land Rover’s testing ground in Herefordshire in the UK. After selection in the UK, one male and one female will be picked to represent Ireland in 2009 at the G4 Challenge in Mongolia and the spectacular Gobi desert.
The Land Rover G4 Challenge is a global 4x4 driving and adventure race, held every three years. Competitors from eighteen nations will take part in a three-week long challenge. The winners will secure a Land Rover vehicle for the Red Cross or Red Crescent in their respective nation.


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